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Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Enough said!

And this is why I'm forcing my butt to the gym this morning!!!

Thursday, July 25, 2013

I need Motivation

{A quick little story for how I'm feeling this week!}
Ah, what a day. 
You picked up the brand new car you’ve been wanting forever. You drove it out of the lot, and now you’re heading to the mountains for a camping trip with some friends.  All the while, you’re inhaling that new-car smell.  Go you!
As you’re driving along the back roads, you notice something a little strange. The car is leaning a bit. Then it’s making an odd sound. You pull over.  You stop the car. You get out.
Damn. A flat tire! On your brand new shiny car! How the heck did THAT happen?
What do you do?
Well, it is YOU after all.  So you do the only logical thing.
You say, “Screw it.” You reach into your backpack, get out your camping knife – and slash the other three tires.
Hey, why even bother if they’re not all working?
“That’s totally over the top! I would never do that to my car!”
Well, would you do it to your goals?
Would you do it to your day?
I’m betting you would, you have, and you do.

Okay guys, this is so me this week!  I've done some of my naughty habits this week, eating at night, too much junk and not thinking about why I'm eating...having your cycle will do that to you...and I've only made it to the gym once...YUCK!  I hate when I do this.  I get going and I'm doing awesome and I'm feeling super motivated, then I start to sabotage myself, I stop making good choices and I have to recommit!  What are some of the things you do to pull yourself out of a funk?  Any tips???  I need all the help I can get today.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

It's all about Perspective!

I have never wished to be obese...that is until now! My son and I were messing around with the BMI charts seeing where we fall. Now there is underweight, normal, overweight, obese, morbidly obese and one I have never heard of thrown in the middle, clinically obese. I am sad to say that I fall into the morbidly obese category. Anywhoosies, we were laughing as I was saying "Oh, I really want to be obese" or "Yay, I am FINALLY obese! I have been waiting for this day!" We were laughing so hard. Sometimes you have to use a little laughter right?! It is funny how when we are in younger, that we sometimes forget to love ourselves for who we are. Then life happens and kids come and we wish for the body that we had. We need to love ourselves right now, while we work for something better. So when I am screaming and happily saying that I am overweight, just know that to me, that will be a very happy day! p.s. Isn't obese a way gross word??!

Thursday, July 18, 2013

"What is that???" Squealed at the top of Shanna's lungs!

Oh my heck, I am laughing as I type this...for any of you who know Shanna very well, you know that she is a bit of a germ freak.  So today while we got in our workout at the pool she starts squealing.  I look over at her and she is just kicking and flailing about.  I'm still chuckling just thinking about it!   So she pulls up her water weight and there is this huge long tangly mess of hair stuck on it.  I started laughing and couldn't do anything to help her!  As she keeps lifting it higher and higher more and more hair comes with it.  Needless to say, she started to look like she was drowning...and we were a little disappointed that none of the boy lifeguards did any rescuing...just kiddin.  
After almost hyperventilating from laughing so hard, I did end up being a nice friend and remove the disgusting mass of hair from her weight.  So funny.

P.S. We were both down another pound today!!!

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

This is bull crap! (Quoted from Big Daddy)

So today, as we were working out, I asked Shanna, "Do you ever feel like you look like that girl over there when you get done working out, then you see yourself in the mirror and realize...'nope, still got a long way to go'?"  I'm calling it bull crap...same rules should apply to everyone!  If you put in the time & eat the "right" food everyone should be able to look hot!

Lol, obviously in reality I know that we are all different and what works for some won't work for others, and that who knows, maybe that girl started off similar to me.  I also know that I got myself where I am today, and I'm gonna have to get myself out of it. Even still, yes it's worth the hard work and the frustration, because sometimes I do feel like I could walk down the runway...{super sarcastic}...after I work my butt off.  It's a great feeling.  And yes, I may not be as fit as that cute girl at the gym, but you know what, I'm getting there.  Slowly but surely!

I have to do a small shout out to our awesome-ness today.  I had a personal best...1 hour on the elliptical. Burning 750 calories, and going 4.3 miles.  Pretty freaking awesome, if I do say so myself.  I may not be able to tie my shoes tomorrow morning, but it was definitely worth it.  

Don't we look HOT!!!

Can you see the sweat??! We worked hard today! I would say doing the elliptical for an hour is hard. If you don't agree, don't judge! We are going to start adding in weights again since we haven't done weights in probably 6 weeks. That is where i feel like I dont know enough. I can go and go on an elliptical, but I don't know much about lifting weights. I want to feel stronger, but for now, I am not sure if I will be able to walk tomorrow! :-) I love how good I feel right now though!

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

I am so excited about our blog and hope that we can motivate each other and anyone else that wants to follow along on our fun-filled hard-working adventure! Erin and I seem to be able to keep each other the gym! Girls nights at applebees or coldstone might be a different story! :) Today when we went to the gym, we both felt exhausted and planned to just do 30 minutes on the elliptical and call it good for the day. Well we kicked some booty! We did 45 minutes, and THEN called it a day(We may have chatted on the bench for 15 minutes before picking up kids). Tomorrow, we will make every minute count! We will! We aren't fit yet, but WE WILL BE!!!

The Beginnings

So, to start this blog I thought I'd give a little background on why I've been wanting to do this.  I have been going to the gym with my awesome friend Shanna for about 10 months...sometimes more diligently than others...but I have felt a big difference in the way my body feels and how I feel about myself.  I was going to start a weight loss group, but decided that was maybe too much work for me right now.  Then we came up with this...a blog about fitness, health, recipes, encouragement, discouraging problems and hopefully ways to work through them......all from two friends who are quirky, funny and trying really hard to get healthy.  The best part is, we aren't there yet...if you're like me and you see all the super fit girls on pinterest, you think, "Man, I've got a long way to go, and I'm probably never going to look like that...I mean, come on, I've had 4 babies and don't have the time to devote my life to rock hard abs!"  This blog is going to be about our journeys and what makes us feel good, and hopefully look good!  We really want to help motivate people and in that process keep ourselves motivated.  I'm super excited about this, and can't wait to amp this blog up!