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Wednesday, December 11, 2013

So Beautiful

I love this!  It's so matter where you're at in life you can decide you're beautiful and act like it!  

Thursday, December 5, 2013

What else weighs 35 pounds?

It's that time again...Shanna and I have both reached our 35 pound goal...HOORAY! We are pretty excited!  So I thought I'd list a few things that weigh 35 pounds:

1- 140 sticks of butter...GROSS!  That equals the 35 packages of butter up above.
2- Seven 5 pound bags of potatoes.
3- About 6 gallons of gas.
4- My nearly 3 year old son.
5- A mid-sized microwave.
6- Seven 6 packs of soda.

I'm pretty proud of us; we've had our ups and downs this last month, but overall we're making progress!
What else weighs 35 pounds???