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Thursday, June 19, 2014

I love your support!

Hi everyone! We are still around slowly but surely losing. I feel like I have so much to say, but I don't know where to start! Maybe I should have been better at updating our blog! Life got so busy with the end of the school year. My weight is very slowly going down still, but I have decided to pick up the pace. Erin and I are doing a weight loss challenge, but here is the kick...We are competing on different teams! Erin is going down!!! Anyway, the thing I have been thinking about lately is support. Supporting each other. I feel like their are so many people supporting me on this journey.Without getting to cheesy, their are some things I need to say. First, I am so glad to have a friend that will go with me to the gym everyday! I think it is so important to have someone you can count on and who is counting on you. It makes us get there! Ok, yes...sometimes we skip and go to Target instead, or halfway through, we decide we are leaving and going to Carl's Jr., but for the most part. we work hard and push each other to do better, so thanks Erin! Next, I am thankful for the support of friends and neighbors. It does so much for me when people say how great I am looking or say what an inspiration we are. It makes me want to try that much harder! I am also thankful for family! My sisters constantly tell me that it is OK and even great that my weight is coming off soooo sllooow this year. They reassure me that I dont need to lose it super fast! The rest of my family has been very nice as well. And, my own little family. My kids tell me how awesome I am, and Jess is constantly listening to my triumphs and my insecurities and he has been a huge inspiration and help to me! And I also definitely have Divine help. I have said many, many prayers and I made a promise to my Heavenly Father this year, and He has made things possible for me that I didn't think would be. Prayer has been key for me! I a so thankful to be on this journey. As of now, I am down 52 pounds, and I am so excited to be down another 52!

 We keep finding out about people following us, and we want to hear from you, so tell us what helps you, or how you feel supported, or just say Hi. :)