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Tuesday, July 1, 2014

1 Year Out...Now what??!

As of today, I have not had any chocolate/treats/desserts for one year! I made a goal and I stuck to it!

These are 3 of the many things I have learned.

1) My body doesn't always do things the way I want. I had to go with it anyway. I thought that I would be down roughly 100 pounds or so. I am about half way to that goal. The thing is, is that I am ok with it. Yes, I wish I was smaller, but I am on my way!

2) Sugar makes me feel like junk. I ate a lot of sugar, and I payed for it. Sugar makes me tired, and cranky. I think my family likes me better without sugar. I like myself better.

3) Giving up sugar was definitely not as hard as  I told myself it would be.  I am happy to say that once I made up my mind, it really wasn't a big deal. I thought it would be hard around Halloween, Christmas, etc., but the holidays were still just as fun and wonderful. Family parties were still memorable like always, and I realized that I didn't need chocolate to have a good time!

I am not exactly sure when I will eat a treat again. That is a very scary thing for me. I am really afreaid that once I eat something, all of the cravings will come back. So for now, I am going to be treat free a while longer. Today, I decided that I will give up chips/fried food until my birthday in September. I want to feel really good this summer and give myself the gift of better health for my birthday!

So yay for me, I DID IT!!!

What is something that would be hard for YOU to give up?