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Monday, August 19, 2013

What does success look like?

Seriously so true!  I've made the decision to get healthy and I am making big changes...not dieting, changing my habits; not occasionally exercising, doing it daily...but I still can get so frustrated when I'm not making steady progress.  This was a good reminder that success will come, after plateaus and back sliding...but I'm in it for the long haul, so I have to be able to see the big picture!  What do you like to do to refocus your efforts???  I like to do an extra long workout...that tends to solve my munching problems because I really hate to workout hard, then blow all my efforts on food.

I am pretty proud of myself today...I went 10 miles on the treadmill and bike.  Kicking off the week with a bang.  Feeling good!!!


Shanna said...

Thank You for this Erin! I really needed to see that visual as a reminder that I need to not stress when something little happens. I need to keep going, KEEP GOING!!! I will get where I want to be! I just want it to happen overnight though.