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Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Keeping it really!

Pinterest is an awesome website...but when it comes to realistic workout pictures and poses it's full of crap!  Take this pretty girl with a big smile, makeup and manicured nails.  Then take us:
Shanna was watching me do weights and came up with the idea of taking pictures of us keeping it real.  Apparently my idiocy is really funny to her!

But then I came upon this little gem of her!
 I was trying so hard to focus and not notice that she was snapping pictures of me...but I couldn't stop laughing.  This really is pretty realistic though, we usually have a pretty good time together.
 So focused. 
 Oh the pain!
 Counting and trying not to cry & laugh at the same time. Stupid arm press machine.
 So if you are worried that if you go to the gym you won't look like one of the millions of pictures you've seen of a model working out in skimpy clothes, pretty hair and flawless makeup...don't worry you're not alone!  We sweat hard and make lots of idiotic faces...but we are also reaching our goals!

Monday, October 14, 2013

They Fit!!!

I Never Said They Weren't Tight!

Oh, and I may have my hands strategically put over the ever-so-slight muffin top. ;) Yes, you can see every little bulge in my legs, and it ain't pretty, BUT...I can get them on!

Do you ever buy yourself clothes hoping they will fit in the future? I rarely do, but once in a while if I  am feeling motivated I will. I bought these green gems last year around Christmas, and I am going to be in them around Christmas this year! 

In other news, my September was completely crazy. My birthday, my anniversary, my little girl's birthday, and getting ready for her baptism which was this last Saturday, and completely wonderful! I am happy to say I lost 5 lbs in September which put me at a 4 month total of 25 lbs!!! I am good with that. Now I am at 28 lbs lost and  ready to put in more work! My goal is to be at 50 lbs lost by January 1st!  What goals do all of you have??? I want some comments people! I love them! I am so happy to be on this journey. It is so great to have so much support from everyone, and I know Erin and I are happy to support any of you who are on, or ready to go on this journey with us!

Oh, and just a side note:  How many pictures do you think I had to take before I could post? It wasn't only one!  :/