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Monday, October 14, 2013

They Fit!!!

I Never Said They Weren't Tight!

Oh, and I may have my hands strategically put over the ever-so-slight muffin top. ;) Yes, you can see every little bulge in my legs, and it ain't pretty, BUT...I can get them on!

Do you ever buy yourself clothes hoping they will fit in the future? I rarely do, but once in a while if I  am feeling motivated I will. I bought these green gems last year around Christmas, and I am going to be in them around Christmas this year! 

In other news, my September was completely crazy. My birthday, my anniversary, my little girl's birthday, and getting ready for her baptism which was this last Saturday, and completely wonderful! I am happy to say I lost 5 lbs in September which put me at a 4 month total of 25 lbs!!! I am good with that. Now I am at 28 lbs lost and  ready to put in more work! My goal is to be at 50 lbs lost by January 1st!  What goals do all of you have??? I want some comments people! I love them! I am so happy to be on this journey. It is so great to have so much support from everyone, and I know Erin and I are happy to support any of you who are on, or ready to go on this journey with us!

Oh, and just a side note:  How many pictures do you think I had to take before I could post? It wasn't only one!  :/


Irene said...

You look great Shanna! I am very proud of you ;)

Shanna said...

Thanks Irene! I will call tomorrow so we can start our boot camp! Love ya!

Kendra Burke said...

Shanna! You are looking fantastic! Keep up the good work! You gotta love digital photography! You can take as many as you need! I will say you took 3???

Tiffany said...

Great job lady! Keep up the great work! I am soo glad that Biggest Loser has started. I get a lot of my motivation from watching them! Sometimes when I work out I feel like I'm going to die, then I just watch that show and say I can do that if they can! There are other times I watch them and am in awe of them cause I think I could not do that and they are! Such a great show to watch to get motivation! I just need to not watch it with a bowl of ice cream! LOL!

Anonymous said...

Every little bit counts! I'm doing the biggest winner thing on campus and it's week three and I've lost 7 lbs. It's seems less taxing this time because I feel better prepared to cut back mentally...that and my coach and team are awesome. My fitness pal and waking up to meet people every day has been key for me. I still have about 18 to go and I'm hoping by my birthday in January to be there. Oh yea. I have a box that says "skinny clothes" that are waiting for me :) Becca said...

You look fabulous! Good for you! I want to jump on this bandwagon as soon as I give this breast cancer a round house kick to the face!

Shanna said...

Thank you Kendra!I took 5, but that is the great thing about digital! Tiff, I am so glad that The Biggest Loser is back on too! I need Jillian and Bob yelling at me in the gym! Becca, way to go!! It is so great to have friends and people to support you. I have a box of skinny clothes too, but now they are way outdated, so new clothes for me!

Shanna said...

Heidi, we are praying hard for you! I say we have a "cancer sucks" party when you are done with chemo! I bet all your cousins would love to help you kick cancer in the face!