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Monday, November 25, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving Week!

These past  5 Months that I have really been focusing on my fitness have been a huge blessing in many ways, so to celebrate Thanksgiving, I would love to give you my gratitude for health countdown! 

25. I have my favorite gym partner Erin to go with me!
24. My skin is getting smoother from all of the water I drink. Or maybe I am getting old.
23. I get to do planks, which I love!
22. I have not touched chocolate in 5 months. Huge accomplishment!
21. I have learned how to not get tangled in some of the weight machines. Darn my size 10 feet!
20. Speaking of feet, I am thankful that I have more reasons to buy cute workout shoes.
19. I get to see people dancing on the elliptical some days and other funny things at the gym.
18. I get to get over my germ-a-phobia by laying on sweaty gym mats for crunches etc.
17.Which reminds me that I am thankful I have good friends to go with me to boot camp. We can all laugh at how funny we are. We are doing way awesome though.
16. I am slowly getting more energy. My kids appreciate that.
15. I feel like I am looking better in my clothes.
14. I get to buy new clothes!
13. I notice more the way food makes me feel, good or bad. Appetizers late at night will ALWAYS make me feel bad in the morning. Yet I still do that sometimes.

12. I am down 35 pounds!
11. I am trying to be a better example for my family.
10. Exercise makes me feel good. I need it, and I miss it when I miss days.
9. Jess and my kids have been very supportive and tell me how awesome I am doing. That makes me feel good!
8. My legs are starting to get a little "shapely" as my grandma would put it.
7. I am feeling strong from weights. I really like weights. Way more than I thought I would.
6. I am proving to myself how strong I am. Physically, and mentally.
5. I know that my Heavenly Father is really helping me.
4. My kids say I am nicer. Poor kids.
3. My hair doesn't look like it is on the verge of falling out.
2. I can run in little increments. I love to run.

and my #1 reason I am thankful for my health this year is....

I am feeling more like myself. I am happier, more confident, and excited about life!

I can't wait to see what the next year brings.

Thank You for all of your support and Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Befores and Durings

All right, it's that time of the month again...time for our progress pictures!  I'm kind of excited to post these because I think we've both made great progress. The first picture was taken August 5th, the second on September 5th, and the last pictures were taken today.  So, there is a 2 month gap between the last two.  Shanna lost 12 pounds, totalling 32 pounds in 4 months.

 I've lost 9 pounds since the last pictures totalling 32 pounds in 4 months.

 Don't ask me why my eyes were closed in the first one???
I'm super proud of our progress!  How are you doing???

Monday, November 4, 2013

Get started

I really believe this.  I've got 10 more pounds to reach my halfway mark, of 42.5 pounds, on my fitness journey.  I'd really like to do this by the end of December.  I'm super excited and kind of nervous.  I know that sounds weird, but I tend to be a self saboteur.  I reach certain goals, then start freaking myself out, over thinking things, then backsliding quite a ways.  I have done a lot better in the last 4 months, but's a little nerve wracking.  Ultimately though, no matter what goal you're trying to reach, the ONLY way to make progress is just to get started.  Now 3 1/2 months later I can see the progress I've made and I'm SOOOOOO glad I got started when I did.  So, if your reading this thinking, "Man, I wish I could get started,"...well, duh, just start!  Even if you just watch what you eat for one meal, that's starting...or go for a walk, or write down what you ate that day....just start!  I promise in a month you'll be glad you did! ;)