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Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Befores and Durings

All right, it's that time of the month again...time for our progress pictures!  I'm kind of excited to post these because I think we've both made great progress. The first picture was taken August 5th, the second on September 5th, and the last pictures were taken today.  So, there is a 2 month gap between the last two.  Shanna lost 12 pounds, totalling 32 pounds in 4 months.

 I've lost 9 pounds since the last pictures totalling 32 pounds in 4 months.

 Don't ask me why my eyes were closed in the first one???
I'm super proud of our progress!  How are you doing???


Crafty Patterson Mom said...

You guys are looking so good, great job.

Crafty Patterson Mom said...

You guys are doing a great job. You both look awesome!

Anonymous said...

shanna, ya look awesome! before and during pictures are just the motivation needed! Keep it up! becca

Liz Davis said...

You both look AAAAMAZING! I wonder if you've had a boob job since the first picture was taken?

Alyson said...

You guys are looking great--keep it up!

DLundin said...

Looking great Rinny Poo! (Blame Liz for telling me that nickname) I'm very proud of you and I will look to your blog posts for inspiration!