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Monday, November 4, 2013

Get started

I really believe this.  I've got 10 more pounds to reach my halfway mark, of 42.5 pounds, on my fitness journey.  I'd really like to do this by the end of December.  I'm super excited and kind of nervous.  I know that sounds weird, but I tend to be a self saboteur.  I reach certain goals, then start freaking myself out, over thinking things, then backsliding quite a ways.  I have done a lot better in the last 4 months, but's a little nerve wracking.  Ultimately though, no matter what goal you're trying to reach, the ONLY way to make progress is just to get started.  Now 3 1/2 months later I can see the progress I've made and I'm SOOOOOO glad I got started when I did.  So, if your reading this thinking, "Man, I wish I could get started,"...well, duh, just start!  Even if you just watch what you eat for one meal, that's starting...or go for a walk, or write down what you ate that day....just start!  I promise in a month you'll be glad you did! ;)


Jeanette Atkinson said...

ok, ok! Thursday morning I am STARTING!