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Wednesday, December 11, 2013

So Beautiful

I love this!  It's so matter where you're at in life you can decide you're beautiful and act like it!  

Thursday, December 5, 2013

What else weighs 35 pounds?

It's that time again...Shanna and I have both reached our 35 pound goal...HOORAY! We are pretty excited!  So I thought I'd list a few things that weigh 35 pounds:

1- 140 sticks of butter...GROSS!  That equals the 35 packages of butter up above.
2- Seven 5 pound bags of potatoes.
3- About 6 gallons of gas.
4- My nearly 3 year old son.
5- A mid-sized microwave.
6- Seven 6 packs of soda.

I'm pretty proud of us; we've had our ups and downs this last month, but overall we're making progress!
What else weighs 35 pounds???

Monday, November 25, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving Week!

These past  5 Months that I have really been focusing on my fitness have been a huge blessing in many ways, so to celebrate Thanksgiving, I would love to give you my gratitude for health countdown! 

25. I have my favorite gym partner Erin to go with me!
24. My skin is getting smoother from all of the water I drink. Or maybe I am getting old.
23. I get to do planks, which I love!
22. I have not touched chocolate in 5 months. Huge accomplishment!
21. I have learned how to not get tangled in some of the weight machines. Darn my size 10 feet!
20. Speaking of feet, I am thankful that I have more reasons to buy cute workout shoes.
19. I get to see people dancing on the elliptical some days and other funny things at the gym.
18. I get to get over my germ-a-phobia by laying on sweaty gym mats for crunches etc.
17.Which reminds me that I am thankful I have good friends to go with me to boot camp. We can all laugh at how funny we are. We are doing way awesome though.
16. I am slowly getting more energy. My kids appreciate that.
15. I feel like I am looking better in my clothes.
14. I get to buy new clothes!
13. I notice more the way food makes me feel, good or bad. Appetizers late at night will ALWAYS make me feel bad in the morning. Yet I still do that sometimes.

12. I am down 35 pounds!
11. I am trying to be a better example for my family.
10. Exercise makes me feel good. I need it, and I miss it when I miss days.
9. Jess and my kids have been very supportive and tell me how awesome I am doing. That makes me feel good!
8. My legs are starting to get a little "shapely" as my grandma would put it.
7. I am feeling strong from weights. I really like weights. Way more than I thought I would.
6. I am proving to myself how strong I am. Physically, and mentally.
5. I know that my Heavenly Father is really helping me.
4. My kids say I am nicer. Poor kids.
3. My hair doesn't look like it is on the verge of falling out.
2. I can run in little increments. I love to run.

and my #1 reason I am thankful for my health this year is....

I am feeling more like myself. I am happier, more confident, and excited about life!

I can't wait to see what the next year brings.

Thank You for all of your support and Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Befores and Durings

All right, it's that time of the month again...time for our progress pictures!  I'm kind of excited to post these because I think we've both made great progress. The first picture was taken August 5th, the second on September 5th, and the last pictures were taken today.  So, there is a 2 month gap between the last two.  Shanna lost 12 pounds, totalling 32 pounds in 4 months.

 I've lost 9 pounds since the last pictures totalling 32 pounds in 4 months.

 Don't ask me why my eyes were closed in the first one???
I'm super proud of our progress!  How are you doing???

Monday, November 4, 2013

Get started

I really believe this.  I've got 10 more pounds to reach my halfway mark, of 42.5 pounds, on my fitness journey.  I'd really like to do this by the end of December.  I'm super excited and kind of nervous.  I know that sounds weird, but I tend to be a self saboteur.  I reach certain goals, then start freaking myself out, over thinking things, then backsliding quite a ways.  I have done a lot better in the last 4 months, but's a little nerve wracking.  Ultimately though, no matter what goal you're trying to reach, the ONLY way to make progress is just to get started.  Now 3 1/2 months later I can see the progress I've made and I'm SOOOOOO glad I got started when I did.  So, if your reading this thinking, "Man, I wish I could get started,"...well, duh, just start!  Even if you just watch what you eat for one meal, that's starting...or go for a walk, or write down what you ate that day....just start!  I promise in a month you'll be glad you did! ;)

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Keeping it really!

Pinterest is an awesome website...but when it comes to realistic workout pictures and poses it's full of crap!  Take this pretty girl with a big smile, makeup and manicured nails.  Then take us:
Shanna was watching me do weights and came up with the idea of taking pictures of us keeping it real.  Apparently my idiocy is really funny to her!

But then I came upon this little gem of her!
 I was trying so hard to focus and not notice that she was snapping pictures of me...but I couldn't stop laughing.  This really is pretty realistic though, we usually have a pretty good time together.
 So focused. 
 Oh the pain!
 Counting and trying not to cry & laugh at the same time. Stupid arm press machine.
 So if you are worried that if you go to the gym you won't look like one of the millions of pictures you've seen of a model working out in skimpy clothes, pretty hair and flawless makeup...don't worry you're not alone!  We sweat hard and make lots of idiotic faces...but we are also reaching our goals!

Monday, October 14, 2013

They Fit!!!

I Never Said They Weren't Tight!

Oh, and I may have my hands strategically put over the ever-so-slight muffin top. ;) Yes, you can see every little bulge in my legs, and it ain't pretty, BUT...I can get them on!

Do you ever buy yourself clothes hoping they will fit in the future? I rarely do, but once in a while if I  am feeling motivated I will. I bought these green gems last year around Christmas, and I am going to be in them around Christmas this year! 

In other news, my September was completely crazy. My birthday, my anniversary, my little girl's birthday, and getting ready for her baptism which was this last Saturday, and completely wonderful! I am happy to say I lost 5 lbs in September which put me at a 4 month total of 25 lbs!!! I am good with that. Now I am at 28 lbs lost and  ready to put in more work! My goal is to be at 50 lbs lost by January 1st!  What goals do all of you have??? I want some comments people! I love them! I am so happy to be on this journey. It is so great to have so much support from everyone, and I know Erin and I are happy to support any of you who are on, or ready to go on this journey with us!

Oh, and just a side note:  How many pictures do you think I had to take before I could post? It wasn't only one!  :/

Monday, September 30, 2013

Reaching goals puts me on a high!

Okay guys, I am super excited.  Drum roll please......I am 2 pounds away from reaching my 30 pound mark, and I'm going to reach it this week....I can feel it!

I came across this idea today and I love it!  It said: A healthy lifestyle is not something you turn on or off depending on your current outlook. Love it! Totally true.  

Also, this article had some simple ideas for getting moving.  What are some ways that you get your cardio in every day?

What are your fitness, or other, goals for this week?  

P.S. If we're not already friends on myfitnesspal come find us...I'm mrserinjohnson and Shanna is shanse.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Yummy lunch idea

Yum!  This has become my new favorite lunch.  The best part is that it only takes 13 minutes to make.  I love large baking potatoes, they are so yummy and super filling.  Cook the potato in the microwave for 5 minutes, then flip it over and cook for another 5 minutes.  While that's cooking get the broccoli ready.  I have a steamer that goes in the microwave, so I fill it with a half a cup of broccoli and then throw it in for 3 minutes after the potato is done.  Peel the skin off the cooked potato, then add 4 Tbsp dollops of fat free sour cream, then throw on the broccoli.  I like to use salt, pepper, and garlic powder on top.  Then you can cut up a Tbsp of butter and put it on the very top.  It will melt and make the whole potato nice and creamy.  The whole lunch is only 349 calories and 12 grams of fat!  If you want to eliminate the butter that cuts it down to 247 calories, no fat and still super creamy.  So yummy!  Seriously give it a try.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

He can kiss my {soon to be tiny} hiney!!!

From October 2012 until now, I've been learning so much, not just about's been the year of self discovery and it also seems like about life in general.  I was kind of thrown into the self discovery process, and I'm so glad I was!  I thought I'd write about a few of the things that I've learned.  Satan is sneaky!  This is quite obvious...but I'll tell you why I say that.  No matter what your dealing with or struggling with in your life...if you look at the root of what it is your struggling with there's usually a pattern.  We all have weaknesses...and they are usually most evident and hardest to control when we're alone. {Obviously he knows we are weaker without support, or even just too embarrassed to do whatever we do with someone else around us.} Then, after we succumb to temptation, we feel like crap and let him beat us up! For me it's eating junk.  I discovered that I really love to have my little snack when all my kids and husband are asleep.  I got to have some much needed alone time and I'd use my little crutch of food to give me comfort from an exhausting day.  Think about what it is that your struggling with and see if you can see any sort of pattern to your temptation. 

The next thing I realized is that Satan wants us to continue to deal with these struggles on our own because by ourselves we are weak.  He can torture us and make us feel like of course he doesn't want us to talk about it and work through our problems!  I've been recognizing his handy work in my life in many areas, but specifically with getting fit, I've found having Shanna as a workout buddy and someone I can complain too and talk about what I'm struggling with has been a huge help.  I also have a pretty awesome husband who is always willing to help me work through things.  But most importantly my biggest supporter and greatest strength comes from my Heavenly Father.  If I'm having a rough day I can ask Him for help and believe me, help always comes!

I really love this saying and this picture.  It's exactly how I feel right now.  Weight loss and getting fit can be really embarrassing.  It's embarrassing to me that I let myself get out of control and forget to take care of my body.  That I could eat an entire bag of__________{insert choice junk food here}in one sitting!  That I love clothes and looking cute and that I was squeezing myself into my too tight stuff.  But I've learned how to overcome being you want to know the secret?  Taking action, no matter how small, makes you feel empowered so you can make your new ending!  I feel strong and beautiful and amazing.  Even though there are still temptations and guilt..and a long way to go to get to my goals, I know that with my Heavenly Father I have the strength to knock Satan on his butt and he can just kiss mine as I'm jogging past him!
Speaking of jogging...I've started doing the couch to 5k and I'm sore this morning!  But this has been my mantra all week!
I'm pretty proud of myself!  I've always wanted to be a "runner," with all the coolness that comes from it....those of you who are runners and are fit, you may not know that those of us who are not, think you are cool and secretly wish we could do it too!  Plus.....drum roll please...I AM A THIRD OF THE WAY TO MY GOAL!  I'VE LOST 25 POUNDS!!!!!  And I'm just getting started.  It's really exciting to be feeling so strong.  

So anyways, I hope this helps someone in some tiny way.  Seriously look at what's holding you back and see if Satan has any part in it.  The good new is that if he can be stronger than him!!!

Monday, September 16, 2013

Are you fast, cheap, easy and fake?

After a kind of crappy...delicious...eating weekend, I saw this picture this morning and had a case of the guilt trip!  Curses!!!  Oh well, back to the gym and my normal routine today.

Friday, September 13, 2013

I'm just a wee bit tired today!

Today I was really wishing for one of these!

Oh the candles and the nice towels. So nice! That's not why I wanted it though....

I Need The Dang Handrails to Hold Me Up!

I AM SO TIRED!!! Erin and I do long workouts sometimes. We are starting to do them once a week, and today I did 60 minutes on the elliptical, 30 minutes on the treadmill, and another 20 minutes doing weights. When I got home and showered, I was really wishing for a hand rail to hold on to! I felt sort of jello-y  and weak. My muscles are tired! Lets be honest, that little door thing on the tub really could have come in handy too!  I hope that I will be sore tomorrow, because I love that feeling!  Oh and just a little side note, I was hoping to lose at least 20 pounds before my birthday, and I did it ! Yay! Hopefully some more drops off soon! Have a good weekend everyone!

Friday, September 6, 2013

Exactly one month later pictures

All righty then...last month we posted our first pictures and we've decided to take monthly pictures of ourselves to show our progress on this journey...I gotta say that I'm a little surprised by our progress.  I think Shanna has lost 10 pounds since the first pictures, totalling 20!  Look how awesome she is doing!!!

 I've lost 7 pounds.  Totalling at 23 pounds.

Can't wait to see what next months results will be!!!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013


Thought I'd post this today.  I love it, and it's sooooo true!

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Erin's Super yummy Quinoa salad!

As I've said before, I'm not following some strict diet, I'm making lifestyle changes.  I've looked at my eating habits and am trying to make better, healthier choices.  One of the major things I found is that I wasn't getting enough protein in at each meal.  That is probably one of the biggest changes I've made.  The only problem with upping your protein is that it can make you be a little...shall we say....backed up.  So to counteract that I've obviously had to make sure I'm getting enough fiber.  Hehehe!!!  {I really am a 12 year old stuck in a 29 year old body...I'm soooo mature!}  Anywho, this salad is great for having tons of protein and being packed full of fiber too!  Plus, I've totally been craving it lately, BONUS!  It's fresh, filling and really yummy.  Here are the ingredients:

Quinoa - 2 cups dry
Chicken Broth, 99% fat free - 14 oz can
Black beans - 14 oz can
Mango - 1 cup-ish, 2 mangos
Cilantro - 1/2 cup
Green Onion - 6 medium
Extra Virgin Olive Oil - 3 Tbsp
Fresh Lime Juice - 2 Tbsp
Red wine vinegar - 4 Tbsp

Directions:  First cook the quinoa.  Follow the directions on the package.  I cook mine in the chicken broth and make up the difference with water.  While that is cooking, cut up all the other ingredients.  I like small chunks of the veggies, and bigger chunks of mango.  Mix the ingredients for the dressing together, and once the quinoa has cooled, mix it all together. Then just salt and pepper to taste.  So yummy!  It takes about 30 minutes to make this salad and I break it down into 4 large servings.
Broken down into 4 large servings it has 562 calories, 17 grams of fat, 19 grams of protein, & 15 grams of fiber.

 To drink I made lemon water {out of bottled lemon juice} with some mint sprigs.  It's pretty refreshing, but not on my list of favorite drinks.  Today I added fresh lemon juice {much better flavor than the bottled stuff} to a single packet of fruit punch crystal light & 32 oz of water and it made it taste a lot better.  I am trying lemon juice to see if it will help me flush out some water weight I am holding on to, we will see!
Isn't that a pretty lunch?  Shanna and I thought so!

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Yes I am Competitive!

I am competitive. Very Competitive. Lets just say that I am not very happy that Erin is losing so fast, and I am on the slow track. I am trying out different calorie amounts and trying to figure out what will make me lose faster. I was doing around 1300-1400 calories and losing very slow. My sisters told me to up my calories to 1900. I am trying that for a couple of weeks to see if that helps. Meanwhile, Erin is doing awesome, and it is making me CRAZY!!!  In all seriousness though, I am happy that Erin and I are on this journey together, and that we CAN have a little friendly competition and laugh about it! I know that in the long run, my body will respond and the weight will start falling off. In the mean time, I need to have patience. I really am super proud of Erin too! Way to go!!! Now then...anyone want to play a game that I can win at??!

Monday, August 19, 2013

What does success look like?

Seriously so true!  I've made the decision to get healthy and I am making big changes...not dieting, changing my habits; not occasionally exercising, doing it daily...but I still can get so frustrated when I'm not making steady progress.  This was a good reminder that success will come, after plateaus and back sliding...but I'm in it for the long haul, so I have to be able to see the big picture!  What do you like to do to refocus your efforts???  I like to do an extra long workout...that tends to solve my munching problems because I really hate to workout hard, then blow all my efforts on food.

I am pretty proud of myself today...I went 10 miles on the treadmill and bike.  Kicking off the week with a bang.  Feeling good!!!

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Huge milestone

Alright, I am super excited because I hit my 20 pound mark today!!!  I was getting pretty frustrated because I was working out hard, and eating a lot better and not eating at night at all and I just wasn't seeing the results I wanted.  I have been feeling so much better, and I can see a difference in my body, but still not showing on the scales.  That's when I knew I had to track my food better.  Stupid food!  I hate that I have to write down everything I put into my mouth, but apparently that's the only way this is going to work for me.  So anywho, today is a big day....20 pounds down.

Here's my list of 20 things that weigh 20 pounds:

1. A puppy
2. A 1 year old 
3. KitchenAid Mixer
4. Car Tire
5. Medium sized bag of dog food
6. Two bags of sugar
7. My purse packed full of everything for my kiddos
8. 2 gallons of milk
9. 80 sticks of butter  {Seriously gross!!!}
10. 4 large Rainbow Trout

11. A big bag of ice
12. A propane tank
13. Karaoke machine
14. Thanksgiving turkey
15. Dining chair
16. A pug dog
17. 2 medium bowling balls

18. 2 cats or one really large one!
19. A Racoon
20. All the fat I just lost!!!

That's pretty gross and awesome all in one!  So here's to being 20 pounds lighter and being diligent about writing all my stupid food down!!!

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Winner, Winner!!!

The winners of Our First Giveaway are....Drumroll....

Darci and Alissa!!!

          Thanks for joining us on our journey!!! Email us your addresses and we will get you your jamba juice gift cards asap!

Tuesday, August 13, 2013



I think I've had a major breakthrough today.  This morning I decided I wanted to try writing down what I was going to eat and what exercise I was going to do at the gym instead of writing stuff down after I'd exercised and eaten throughout the day.  So I got on My fitness pal and logged it all in.  Then I had breakfast, then went to the gym.  It's amazing how much easier it was to meet my goal when I knew that if I didn't I'd have to delete those sit ups I'd already said I'd do!  The same went for eating.  After running errands I didn't have to hem and haw over what I was going to eat, I already knew.  I realize that some of you probably think I'm dumb that I'm just now figuring this out...but I am not a plan meals in advance kind of girl.  I don't make super detailed meal plans for the week for my family, or like to be tied down to something to eat on Monday, when on Friday it may not sound good anymore.  But I can definitely start my day off with a little list of things to eat and what exercise I'm going to get done for the day.    CHALLENGE:  If you don't already do this, give it a try and see if it helps you at all.  Don't beat yourself up if you stray from the plan during the day, but make sure you change your list so you stay accountable!

Monday, August 12, 2013

Protein baby!

Holy moley...I just got back from a four day camping trip, and my system is feeling a little draggy.  I don't know about you, but when I'm not in my usual routine it's a lot harder to stay on track.  I wanted to go on vacation and not have to be worried about what to eat though, so I packed lots of healthy snacks (watermelon, celery with cottage cheese, ranch, and buffalo sauce dip, cucumbers, beef jerky...etc.), but those yummy treats, (homemade chex mix, candy, s'mores, etc...) still called to me.   So, in kick starting my week I am loading up on the protein.  This is a super easy way that gets me eating better fast.  It fills me up and makes me way less snacky during the day and most of all at night (that's my worst time of day for being munchy.)  Dr. Oz says to have 25 g of protein 3 times a day.  The easiest way for me to do that is to have a protein drink.  I just buy it in bulk at costco, it's called Cyto Sport 100% Whey protein.  Just mixing it with water tastes pretty good and is super easy.  I also made a zucchini and mozzarella cheese omelet.  So yummy, healthy and filling.  What are some of your go to meals to help you get back on track? 

Also, don't forget to enter our drawing.  It ends tomorrow!!!

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Our 1st Before Pictures and a GIVEAWAY!!!

The Before Pictures!!! We should have done them a month ago, but better late than never! After you see our pics, hop on over to My Fitness Pal, and add us as friends: mrserinjohnson and shanse. If you aren't already a member of this website, it's a free site that's a lot like the Weight Watchers.  You can keep track all of your eating with their huge database of food, also your exercising can be tracked.  It's awesome!  After you do that, comment over here for your chance to win a gift card to Jamba Juice! We are giving away 2 of them.  Enter our giveaway by Tuesday, August 13, at 5:00 pm.  We will announce our winners on Wednesday!

     This is definitely not fun seeing pictures of myself this way. It is what it is though, and I am determined to lose the belly(which sadly is NOT a leftover from having my twins!)and become toned and have MORE energy!!!

    Wow, if you want some good motivation, take photos of yourself from each angle and decide if there's anything you want to work on.  My goal is to lose weight in general, and work on my leftover rolls from my twins.

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Fruit Kabobs

I am not the best fruit eater. Lots of veggies, not much fruit. I made these babies for a BBQ tonight. Delish and a hit! Of course I will eat them when they look so good! I used strawberries, mango, kiwi, pineapple and grapes. I see lots more fruit kabobs in my future! p.s. You can tell I am no professional photographer. Maybe I will work on that. :)

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Short term Goals, and Long term goals, and REALLY Long term goals

Ok, so my birthday is in exactly 1 month(don't worry, I will LOVE whatever you get for me. It's the thought that counts)I want to give myself something really awesome. Maybe 50 lbs lost, or down to a size 6 or run a marathon, or...wait... those are not realistic goals?! I have this problem. I am not a patient person, at all. I am sure you can relate. I think we all want what we want now. I am learning that it is VERY IMPORTANT to set small goals for the short term, but have our eyes set on bigger, long term goals. And then the lifetime, long term goals. I tend to want to set long term, hard to reach goals, and then I get frustrated when it doesn't happen in just a couple of months. So, I am making a goal of making a goal. And then, I will make more goals to make more goals. :) You get the drift. So I am going to open up and give to you, since you are so curious, a short term(aka my birthday goal)a long term, and a really long term goal. 1. Short term(September 1, 2013) Lose 14 pounds. I have lost 11 pounds since July 1st and I have just tweaked a few things in my eating so I think 14 is doable. I want to be down 25 by my birthday! 2. Long term and 3. Really long term are going to wait. I have to start with small goals. Now then. What are some of your short term goals?

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Enough said!

And this is why I'm forcing my butt to the gym this morning!!!

Thursday, July 25, 2013

I need Motivation

{A quick little story for how I'm feeling this week!}
Ah, what a day. 
You picked up the brand new car you’ve been wanting forever. You drove it out of the lot, and now you’re heading to the mountains for a camping trip with some friends.  All the while, you’re inhaling that new-car smell.  Go you!
As you’re driving along the back roads, you notice something a little strange. The car is leaning a bit. Then it’s making an odd sound. You pull over.  You stop the car. You get out.
Damn. A flat tire! On your brand new shiny car! How the heck did THAT happen?
What do you do?
Well, it is YOU after all.  So you do the only logical thing.
You say, “Screw it.” You reach into your backpack, get out your camping knife – and slash the other three tires.
Hey, why even bother if they’re not all working?
“That’s totally over the top! I would never do that to my car!”
Well, would you do it to your goals?
Would you do it to your day?
I’m betting you would, you have, and you do.

Okay guys, this is so me this week!  I've done some of my naughty habits this week, eating at night, too much junk and not thinking about why I'm eating...having your cycle will do that to you...and I've only made it to the gym once...YUCK!  I hate when I do this.  I get going and I'm doing awesome and I'm feeling super motivated, then I start to sabotage myself, I stop making good choices and I have to recommit!  What are some of the things you do to pull yourself out of a funk?  Any tips???  I need all the help I can get today.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

It's all about Perspective!

I have never wished to be obese...that is until now! My son and I were messing around with the BMI charts seeing where we fall. Now there is underweight, normal, overweight, obese, morbidly obese and one I have never heard of thrown in the middle, clinically obese. I am sad to say that I fall into the morbidly obese category. Anywhoosies, we were laughing as I was saying "Oh, I really want to be obese" or "Yay, I am FINALLY obese! I have been waiting for this day!" We were laughing so hard. Sometimes you have to use a little laughter right?! It is funny how when we are in younger, that we sometimes forget to love ourselves for who we are. Then life happens and kids come and we wish for the body that we had. We need to love ourselves right now, while we work for something better. So when I am screaming and happily saying that I am overweight, just know that to me, that will be a very happy day! p.s. Isn't obese a way gross word??!

Thursday, July 18, 2013

"What is that???" Squealed at the top of Shanna's lungs!

Oh my heck, I am laughing as I type this...for any of you who know Shanna very well, you know that she is a bit of a germ freak.  So today while we got in our workout at the pool she starts squealing.  I look over at her and she is just kicking and flailing about.  I'm still chuckling just thinking about it!   So she pulls up her water weight and there is this huge long tangly mess of hair stuck on it.  I started laughing and couldn't do anything to help her!  As she keeps lifting it higher and higher more and more hair comes with it.  Needless to say, she started to look like she was drowning...and we were a little disappointed that none of the boy lifeguards did any rescuing...just kiddin.  
After almost hyperventilating from laughing so hard, I did end up being a nice friend and remove the disgusting mass of hair from her weight.  So funny.

P.S. We were both down another pound today!!!